Image by Warren Wong
The onus of this website is to contribute to critical discussions and analysis of social justice issues from an intersectional Asian American perspective. We hope to educate, challenge, invigorate, and encourage.
We are scholars, artists, full time (and more) workers, parents, activists, community organizers, lovers, friends, and combinations of all of these identities, who believe in self care. Therefore, we will not require one another to minimum blog posts or artificial deadlines. When a post goes up, we will do our best to spread the word.
It should not be assumed that every viewpoint found on this website represents the opinions of all the collective advisory. We are not accepting unsolicited articles at this time.
Advisory, editorial, and contributing collective:
Margie Andreason, Juliana Hu Pegues, Que-Lam Huynh, CJ Gi, Parag Khandhar, Sajin Kwok, Scott Kurashige, Emily Lawsin, Terry Park, Stevie Peace, Bao Phi, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Vidhya Shanker and Catherine Fung.